The attention of the Speaker of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Dr. Konbowei Benson has been drawn to a post in Sahara Reporters and other social media platforms credited to Hon. Israel Sunny- Goli alleging that the Speaker embezzled the sum of #1billion.

It is laughable that such show of shame is coming from a lawmaker who is expected to have a good knowledge of the workings and procedures of the state House of Assembly.

CLICK TO READ ALSO: Disquiet in Bayelsa Assembly as APC legislator drag Speaker, Clerk, two others to EFCC over alleged N1billion diversion of allowances, constituency monies 

The said malicious and baseless petition does not only lack merit but clearly displays how bankcrupt the lawmakers is on issues concerning the legislature.

The speaker Dr. Konbowei Benson does not in anyway get involved in applying for money’s belonging to other members and don’t know why Israel Sunny-Goli would not concentrate on how to clear his name from the murder allegations but use social media to score cheap political goals.


The said lawmakers who never find himself attend legislative business for which he is given the mandate should bury his head in shame rather than engaging in futile ventures.

I have no case to answer to the EFCC as am get to even receive the purported petition, but I would advice the author of this misleading and unfounded petition to ask questions since he’s bereft of the workings to have a clear understanding on how to pursue finance related issues in the house.

The public should not only disregard the inanity presented here but dismiss it as it’s authored by a drowning man who will fine any floating object to go down with.The attention of the Speaker of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Dr. Konbowei Benson has been drawn

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