The management and Staff of Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited join the chorus of patriotic voices across the nation to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the President-Elect, His Excellency Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu on his resounding electoral victory. This triumph indeed heralds the dawn of an era of renewed hope for the nation.

The citizen of our great nation have spoken, bestowing their trust and confidence in your mandate. As we countdown to the epoch (epok) making swearing-in-ceremony that will resonate in the annals (anuhlz)of our nationโ€™s history, this not only reflects the strength and resilience of our democratic foundations but also signals the beginning of a collective journey towards progress and prosperity.

We are firm believers in the President-Electโ€™s tireless commitment to public service, unwavering dedication to the security and welfare of our citizens and steadfast belief in the power of unity to lead our nation forward. As we stand on the precipice (preh-suh-puhs) of this new chapter in our nations story, we pledge our unwavering allegiance to the President-Elect and the progressive vision of a brighter future for Nigeria and Nigerians. We are ready, willing and able to go the extra mile to ensure total success is recorded in wiping out Crude Oil theft and other economic sabotage in the Niger Delta.

We are committed to working with the President-Elect to bring lasting peace to the Niger Delta region in particular and Nigeria at large. With each step taken together, we promise to build on the traction we have gained with the outgoing administration in combating the menace of Crude Oil theft โ€“ the economic sabotage threatening our commonwealth.

Together, we can rise above the differences that divide us and guarantee a prosperous future for our nation, fostering a sense of unity that transcends political affiliation and binds us as one people, one nation. In the months and years to come, we anticipate a series of historic achievements under the steward hip of the President-Elect sustained collaboration with Governmentโ€™s Security and Intelligence Agencies, NNPC Limited and other Oil Industry stakeholders.


To our detractors, economic saboteurs (sa-buh-tuhz ) and enemies of the nation, the message is strong and clear, our resolve to stamp out crude oil theft and the destruction of our environment is non-negotiable.

We call on all stakeholders that elections have come and gone and itโ€™s time for all patriotic Nigerians to join the visionary Asiwaju to move our country forward. Letโ€™s all share the optimism of the ordinary Nigerian across the country who elected him President because of their faith in his message of renewed hope and because of their conviction in his track record. Our country deserves no less from all of us.

Mr President-Elect. May your tenure be marked by extraordinary accomplishments, and may our nation flourish under your leadership.

The Ibe Ebidowei of Ijaw Nation

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