…Says edifice reflect a landmark of years of oil and gas exploitation in N/Delta

YENAGOA – President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday commissioned the seventeen storey building headquarters of the Nigeria Content Development and Monitoring Board, NCDMB, in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital.

The President who mandated the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Chief Timpre Sylva to unveil the building on his behalf joined the event virtually via zoom from the Aso Rock Villa, State House.

In his speech President Buhari said, the completion of the project reflect the drive of the present administration to provide infrastructure across the country to serve as a monument for investment and enabler for job creation.

He pointed out that commissioning of the project has placed a landmark of reference in the Niger Delta to reflect long last legacies to that signpost the years of oil and gas exploitation, assuring that there are more to come.


Buhari, who commended the indigenous for their capacity and for utilising local materials and labour, said the project brings to the fore the importance of local content in all activities of national life, particularly in the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic.

He said: “In commissioning the project, I want to highlight that we have put in place a landmark of reference in the Niger Delta to reflect long last legacies that signpost the years of oil and gas exploitation and I assure you that there is more to come.

“I strongly believe in local production and patronage of our goods and services as well, as one of the surest ways to empower our citizens and give them viable opportunities to excel in their chosen professions and business endeavours.

“This is why two of the Executive Orders issued under our administration are related to the enforcement of local content in procurement and contract execution to ensure seamless activities in the oil and gas industry.”

According to the President, local content and self-reliance are the key principles of the recently approved N2.3 trillion National Economic Sustainability Plan.

“The plan is aimed at the promotion of local production, local services, local innovation and use of local materials”, the President explained.

He made it clear that the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic has further shown that we must produce what we eat and enough for export.

“The impact of the pandemic has further shown that we have to produce what we eat, and for export. All these policy directives and programmes are also meant to address some of the causative factors of insecurity and provide employment opportunities for our citizens.”

Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Chief Timipre Sylva, who described the completion and commissioning of the Nigeria Content Development and Monitoring Board tower as a salute to President Buhari’s commitment for continuity, stated that it is a demonstration that skyscrapers and other laudable structures can be built in the Niger Delta.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Petroleum Resources under President Buhari is set to unlock the potentials in the gas sector by eliminating wastages and called for local and international investors to join in the efforts in unlocking gas potentials for the benefits of all.

The Executive Secretary, Nigeria Content Development and Monitoring Board, Mr. Simbi Wabote, said 95% of the manpower used in the construction of the edifice was sourced from the local manpower, adding that the raw materials, labour and skills transfer is unprecedented.

In his remarks, Governor Diri commended President Buhari for demonstrating a strong political will in continuing the project and completing it in record time.

“Now that this outstanding structure has been built, the aesthetics of Bayelsa, Yenagoa has changed. It is time to face the business of helping to build the economy and lives of the people of this state and indeed Nigeria in accordance with the mandate of the board and in line with the World Bank initiated local content policy document,” Governor Diri stressed.

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