Solidarity rally by the Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders in Honor of Dennis Otuaro
Solidarity rally by the Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders in Honor of Dennis Otuaro

The leadership of an overflown crowd christened as Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders who hitted the nooks and crannies of Yeneagoa Metropolis has unanimously declared unwavering support for the Presidential Amnesty Programme Boss led by Dr. Dennis Otuaro.

The Group led by Apostle. Bodmas Kemepadei, convener of the rally; vehemently declared support and solidarity for the PAP Boss.

READ ALSO: Amnesty Boss, Chief Otuaro consult Goodluck Jonathan over smooth running of PAP

Bodmas who said in quote, ” These are youths who have capacity to shutdown the Niger Delta and the East west road, we are saying Thank you to President Bola Tinubu for appointing Dr. Dennis Dennis Otuaro as PAP coordinator. Otuaro is a man who knows the issues of the Niger Delta Region, we are very confident that he will deliver on his task and certain that he will input more creativity to add value of the Amnesty Programme.

Solidarity rally by the Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders in Honor of Dennis Otuaro
Solidarity rally by the Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders in Honor of Dennis Otuaro

In addition, Bodmas Kemepadei said that President Bola Tinubu has done noble for appointing Dr. Dennis Otuaro. He also included the appointment of Dr. Samuel Ogboku as NDDC boss and Hon. Ebitimi Amgbare as M.D CEO Niger Delta River Basin as a well deserved recognition of reward and competence.


Furthermore, Comr. Ellington Bakumor, the deputy convener joined in uniform to commend the resilience and dedication of Dr. Dennis Otuaro in handling the Presidential Amnesty Programme.” The stipends of Ex-agitators has been paid, Otuaro has visited many schools of Beneficiaries of the scheme and has firsthand information of challenges, progress and results of what needs to be done, that’s the man of the people “.

Solidarity rally by the Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders in Honor of Dennis Otuaro
Solidarity rally by the Coalition of Niger Youths stakeholders in Honor of Dennis Otuaro

Ellington said ” anymore further attempts by reapers, faceless and self acclaimed group to cause mayhem and protest against the office of PAP will meet stiff reaction by the coalition of Niger Delta Group”.

He advised them to be grateful and shun the interest for personal aggrandizement for the growth of the Amnesty scheme.

To wrap up, Apostle Bodmas reiterated the commendation and encomium for President Bola Tinubu, adding that he is certain that the economic reforms will yield interest for Nigeria and that the Award for the protection of pipelines to indigenous companies has helped in the realities of the relative peace currently in the whole of the Niger Delta Region.

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