Following  the recently enacted law signed by former President Muhammadu Buhari, President Bola Tinubu is obliged to announce his ministerial list within 60 days of assuming office as the President of Nigeria. As a result, the deadline for President Tinubu to unveil his ministerial nominees is approaching, specifically by July 28.

Since assuming office, President Bola Tinubu has demonstrated a proactive approach and a strong commitment to fulfilling his responsibilities. He has wasted no time in initiating various activities and engaging in actions that have captured the attention of Nigerians.

President Tinubuโ€™s swift actions and the momentum he has maintained since taking office have generated high expectations among the Nigerian populace. Citizens are eagerly anticipating the announcement of his ministerial appointments, as this will play a crucial role in shaping the direction and policies of his administration.

The selection of competent and capable individuals as ministers is paramount to meet the expectations of Nigerians and ensure effective governance. As the discussions and speculations regarding the potential ministerial candidates continue, the public remains eager to see who President Tinubu will choose to fill these critical positions.

The Nigerian people are looking forward to a dynamic and effective leadership under President Tinubu, with hopes that his ministerial appointments will reflect his commitment to delivering on the promises made during his campaign. The choice of ministers will not only be a reflection of his leadership style but will also determine the direction and focus of his administration in addressing the challenges faced by the nation.


As the anticipation builds, Nigerians are eagerly awaiting the unveiling of President Tinubuโ€™s ministerial team, hoping that it will comprise individuals who possess the necessary skills, expertise, and dedication to drive positive change and achieve the aspirations of the nation.

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Tinubu to release the list of ministers. Photo Credit: Bola Ahmed Tinubu
Source: Twitter

Why Tinubu must provide a list of ministers before July 28

The anticipation surrounding the announcement of the ministerial list by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is expected to come to an end no later than July 28. This deadline is based on a recently enacted law signed by former President Muhammadu Buhari, which stipulates that the new president has a maximum of 60 days to submit the names of his ministerial nominees to the National Assembly.

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According to the provisions of this law, if President Tinubu chooses not to make any major changes to the existing system, he will be required to present the names of 27 ministers for confirmation by the Senate within the specified timeframe. This process ensures that the executive branch is effectively constituted, allowing for the smooth functioning of the government and the implementation of policies and programs.

As Nigerians eagerly await the unveiling of the ministerial list, it is expected that President Tinubu will carefully select competent and capable individuals who will serve in key ministerial positions. The appointment of ministers plays a vital role in shaping the direction and policies of the government, and it is essential that those chosen possess the necessary qualifications, expertise, and dedication to effectively fulfill their roles.

It remains to be seen how President Tinubu will approach this crucial task of selecting his ministerial team. As the clock ticks towards the July 28 deadline, Nigerians eagerly await the announcement and the subsequent confirmation process that will follow in the Senate.

List of ministers that Tinubu will appoint

Below are the names of ministries that new ministers would occupy.

  1. Federal Capital Territory Administration
  2. Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
  3. Federal Ministry of Aviation (Nigeria)
  4. Federal Ministry of Budget and National Planning (Nigeria)
  5. Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Nigeria)
  6. Federal Ministry of Education (Nigeria)
  7. Federal Ministry of Environment (Nigeria)
  8. Federal Ministry of Finance (Nigeria)
  9. Federal Ministry of Health (Nigeria)
  10. Federal Ministry of Information and Culture (Nigeria)
  11. Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy
  12. Federal Ministry of Interior (Nigeria)
  13. Federal Ministry of Justice (Nigeria)
  14. Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment (Nigeria)
  15. Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources (Nigeria)
  16. Federal Ministry of Water Resources (Nigeria)
  17. Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
  18. Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (Nigeria)
  19. Ministry of Defence (Nigeria)
  20. Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs
  21. Ministry of power
  22. Ministry of Transportation (Nigeria)
  23. Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development
  24. Federal Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.
  25. Federal Ministry of Youth and Sport
  26. Federal Ministry of Works and Housing
  27. Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Last week, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu sent a letter to the Senate, seeking their approval for the appointment of 20 special advisers. Subsequently, the request was granted by the 9th Senate.

It is worth noting that the appointment of special advisers does not necessarily require legislative approval. However, to demonstrate transparency and adherence to due process, the president sought the Senateโ€™s consent for these appointments. Consequently, on Thursday, June 15, President Tinubu officially announced the appointment of eight special advisers.

This move reflects the presidentโ€™s commitment to assembling a team of experienced individuals who will provide expert advice and support in various areas of governance. The appointed special advisers are expected to contribute their expertise and assist the president in effectively executing his duties and responsibilities

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