The Media Director of the President-elect, Bola Tinubu, Bayo Onanuga, has issued a warning to those describing his principal as a drug dealer.

Onanuga warned that the days of those using some hashtags to blast Tinubu are numbered.
He said those behind the hashtags would face the wrath of God over malicious tweets against Tinubu.

Prior to the presidential election, Tinubu was accused of being a drug dealer when he was in the United States, US.

Some Nigerians had called for his arrest and a stop from participating in the presidential campaign.

Following his victory, some Nigerians have been calling for his arrest and imprisonment.
Responding, Onanuga tweeted: โ€œAll those sons of bitches tweeting the hashtags #TinubuTheDrugDealer#TinubuForPrison, your days are numbered.


โ€œOne day, you will face the wrath of the law and God for tweeting malicious falsehood about Nigeriaโ€™s President-Elect.โ€

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