Former Militant leaders from Bayelsa State under the aegis of the Ex-Agitatorsโ€™ Leadership Forum have commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over the appointment of Malam Nuhu Ribadu as National Security Adviser (NSA).

According to the Ex-agitators, the appointment of Ribadu is an enviable success deserves acknowledgement and worthy of temulation,saying that the recent appointments including that of the service chiefs simply means the current administration will achieve itโ€™s goal on security and related matters.

The Chairman of the Ex-agitators’ Leadership Forum (EALF), High Chief James Kurobo, in a statement issued in Yenagoa, also called on the NSA,Mallam Nuhu Ribadu,to be wary of Sycophants and Mediocrities from the Niger Delta Region.

He also congratulated the newly appointed service Chiefs, who constitute the National Security team of the federal republic of Nigeria, commending President Tinubuโ€™s preparedness towards the inherited security challenges,” We assure you and the national security architecture under your watch, of our support and contribution, in any way possible, as you propel a safe and secured Nigeria for Nigerians, to sustain a peaceful Coexistence in our Niger Delta Region.”

On the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), the Former Militant leaders urged the NSA ,Nuhu Ribadu against the alleged melodramatic praises and tenure elongation campaign for the Interim Administrators, Major General Barry Ndiomu (RTD).


, “while in office Major General Barry Ndiomu (RTD) Padded the monthly Payroll of the Amnesty Programme unidentified names White Elephant Projects through which Massive Embezzlement of funds running into Billions of Naira has been Diverted as the Funds meant for the programme’s Empowerment and Reintegration packages for Ex-agitator’s who are left to their Fate continue to wallow in Abject Poverty in the Creeks of the Region.”

“Major Gen. Barry Ndiomu is currently using the said looted Funds to sponsor Publications Signed by Monarchs who have lost Relevance in their various Domains due to mediocrity and Self-Acclaimed Militant Generals in a bid to Cajole the Presidency for extension of his Stay in Office as the Interim Administrator of the PAP. This We Advice Otherwise As it will Ridicule the Image of the Current Administration that has Started So well Already.”

“if you read the Publications suggesting that Ex-Agitators from the nine Niger Delta states are calling on the NSA to Reappoint Gen. Barry Ndiomu as the next Interim Administrator of PAP, You will see a Clearly desperate man drowning in Misappropriation and Gross Abuse of Office because there are No Answers to Questions of Who Gershom Mpaka Gbobo is or what he represents at the PAP, to Author Press Statement in Favor of Gen. Ndiomu and there is no known group such as Coalition of Ex-agitators of Niger Delta (CEND) in the Niger Delta.”

“The Obvious facts Points to a desperate General who has lost Grip seeking soft landing. False names used to cover up the schemes of Ndiomu. We are not surprised because he has a lot of False names padded up in the PAP data base for diversion of N65,000.00 monthly allowance for supposed beneficiaries of over 1000 Ex-Agitators.”

“We therefore stand on our Resolve and Appeal that His Excellency, Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR), Extends his house cleaning exercise Into Financial Misappropriation and Gross abuse to the Office of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), because the Interventionist Programme has become a cash-cow for Successive Interim Administrators.”

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