In efforts to complete its investigations, the Department of State Services (DSS), is likely to approach the court to obtain an order to keep Godwin Emefiele in its custody for as long as his interrogation lasts.

According to reports, the DSS will approach the court on Tuesday, June 13.

Recall that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on Friday suspended the Central Bank of Nigeria governor. Shortly after this, the embattled former apex bank boss was arrested in Lagos and immediately whisked to Abuja.

NAIJA LIVE TV reports that this is sequel to the ongoing investigation of his office and the planned reforms in the financial sector of the economy.

Quoting an unnamed source, Punch Newspaper wrote:


“He (Emefiele) is going to be with us for some time. We may obtain a court order to further detain him. The previous charges against him are there and further investigations may add to that. You know that he is a big man, and we have to make sure that the loose ends are tightened before we take him to court.

“Recall that we were looking for him before his suspension. Now that we have him, we will hear from him; hear what he has to say on those issues we have highlighted before.”

“We have a team of interrogators, who are going to quiz and obtain statements from him. We won’t bungle our case. But honestly, Nigerians need to know what happened and why we were looking for him the other time,” the source added.

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