A part of the petition reads that…

“…to find and hold that the 4th Respondent submitted a forged NYSC exemption certificate in his INEC Form CF001, EXH-P9 to INEC knowing same to be false/forged. By the above evidence, the Petitioner has shown beyond reasonable doubt that the NYSC exemption certificate attached to EXH-P9 is forged. THE 4TH RESPONDENT’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE FOR SECRETARIAL ADMINISTRATION DATED 3RD FEBRUARY 1998 IS FORGED AND OR CONTAINS FALSE INFORMATION.”

Furthering Opuama alleges in his petition that:

“We submit that the 4th Respondent is only attempting to lay claim to certificates that do not belong to him in the first place. May we refer My Lords to EXH-P12 which is the Judgment of the Supreme Court that lead to the emergence of 3rd and 4th Respondents as Governor and Deputy Governor respectively. In this, the 4th Respondent who deposed to EXH-P16 was emphatic that his full name is simply EWHRUDJAKPO LAREWNCE.”

His petition also emphasized the forgery, noticed on the certificate of the fourth respondent, Senator Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo:


“My Lords, in part A (personal particulars) of 4th Respondent’s form he stated his surname as EWHRUDJAKPO and other names as LAWRENCE OBORAWHARIEVWO. It is a false statement by the 4th Respondent that his other name is OBORAWHARIEVWO as all the documents that identify him as a person do not bear this name especially his Voter’s card which contains his identification details for the purpose of election as he has presented himself to INEC. The following documents further show clearly that the 4th Respondent gave a false statement as per his other names:

1) All his statutory declaration of age in EXH-P8 and EXH-P9 state on oath that he has no other names and has no relationship with the name OBORAWHARIEVWO. This other name is suddenly claimed by the 4th Respondent in order to lay claim or ownership of the certificates bearing the name Oburawharieos or having the initial O.

2) The 4th Respondent’s permanent voter’s card issued to him upon registration as attached to P9 contains all his particulars as a registered voter with right to vote and be voted for, states that he does not bear the name OBORAWHARIEVWO and is not known by that name. Sections 9, 10(1)(2)(3) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (As Amended) requires that at the time of registration as a voter a person must appear in person with documents that will prove his identity, age and nationality upon which the voter is registered and issued with voter’s card conferring on him the right to vote and be voted for. Any correction of the name of a voter in the voters’ register has to comply with section 19 of the Electoral Act. It is also an offence under section 24(1)(b) of Electoral Act, 2010 for a voter not to supply full information required for his registration as a voter which include his other names.

3) The 4th Respondent’s Primary School or First Leaving School certificate issued on in EXH-P9 shows that he does not bear the name OBORAWHARIEVWO and he is not known by that name.

4) The 4th Respondent has not deposed to any affidavit of change of name to adopt the name OBORAWHARIEVWO and he has no deed poll or any official gazette to show that he has subsequently adopted the name in compliance with sections 4(4) of the National Civil Registry Act.

2) Section 9 of Births, Death (Compulsory Registration) Act enumerates persons to give information about birth and a person cannot give information concerning his own birth.”

To cap it, Opuama averred that: “My Lords, the summary of above is that all the documents that identify the 4th Respondent as a person shows that he has never borne the name OBORAWHARIEVWO as part of his name. Same is only now being claimed by the 4th Respondent in order to appropriate educational certificates that were issued bearing this name and present same as his own.”

…Bayelsa governorship tribunal reserves five petitions for judgement

MEANWHILE, the Bayelsa state governorship election petition tribunal sitting in Abuja has reserved judgement in all the five election petitions filled before it in respect of the November 16, 2019 election in the state.

The chairman of the tribunal, Justice Muhammed Sirajo had earlier dismissed five other petitions in respect of the election for lacking in merit.

The remaining petitioners are Ebiziomo Diriyai, Vijah Opuama, the Advanced Nigeria Democratic Party ANDP, Ibieme Stephen and Owei Woniwei.

Some of the petitioners are challenging the election on the grounds that Governor Douye Diri and his deputy, Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo were not qualified to contest the election, having submitted forged certificates and false information to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Justice Sirajo announced at the end of proceedings on Monday that the day for the judgment will be communicated to the parties.

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