The host of Righteous Invasion Of Truth [R.I.O.T.] Dr Abel Damina has claimed that Fornication is not a sin.

Speaking in one of his numerous messages shared online, the founder of Abel Damina Ministries and Power City International Church said God does not punishes unbeliever the same way he does with believers.

“The way God will deal with an unbeliever is not the same way he will deal with you because you are his sons. What a manner of love a father has for his children so we can be call the sons of God.”

According to him, one has to understand the concepts of relationship with God before understanding the punishments he would give to sinners.

” In order to know how God will deal with believers we must first of all define relationship. We must understand what is the relationship of a believer with God. If you don’t know that you will not understand what God will do to believer who sin.”


Dr Abel Damina said everybody have sin before God right the beginning.

” Do sons of God sin? Of course yes they sin. They sin because they are men. Once you are a man, you could sin. If any man says he has not sin, he deceives himself and the truth is not in him.” he said.

In giving his explanation about sin, the controversial pastor said coming short before God is sin. According to him, Fornication is not a sin.

Hear him:. ” What does it mean to sin? To sin means to come short. It also means to miss something. Sin is not fornication, adultery and all of those things. Sin means to miss the mark. Adam sin because he miss the mark by eating the tree of good and evil instead of the tree of life.

You can watch the complete video here.

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