Prominent Diplomat and seasoned Bayelsa politician, Amb. Godknows Boladei Igali 11qhas advised his teeming supporter across the state to throw their weight behind Chief Abel Ebifemowei who emerged as Senatorial candidate of the party for the forthcoming bye-elections as members of the same party.

He gave the advise in Yenagoa while speaking to journalists on the way forward after the APC Senatorial primaries.

“For my supporters, you know we’re part of a party. So you throw your weight behind the party’s candidate. The party has picked somebody. Unfortunately, they did not pick me. I wish I was the one that was picked. But the party in it’s wisdom has picked somebody so let us go with the man the party has picked and work for him. My media team, join his media team and work for him. That’s what I can say to all my supporters. Very many across the state, I know you’re disappointed, you would have wanted to see me represent you but somebody has emerged. Let us throw our weight behind the man who has emerged and also to other Bayelsans”, he said.

Amb. Igali who is also a critical stakeholder of the Senatorial contest advised all Bayelsans, especially the APC to ensure that chief Ebifemowei comes out victorious in the bye-elections on October 31, 2020.

“My advise is that party member should work hard and make sure that the party nominee as candidate gets elected as Senator to represent Bayelsa Central. That’s what a faithful party member does, he backs the person that the party picks. Whether you’re happy or not, you have to abide by the decision of the party. The party is supreme”.


“I think APC will win. Like I said before, Bayelsa Central in particular, APC is very strong, during the last election they scored over 80 per cent of the general votes. The whole state they scored they scored over 70 per cent. And I don’t think that fundamental changes have taken place in terms of the direction which people would vote, so it’s likely that the candidate will do well in the general elections for the Senatorial seat”.

“APC scored 72% in the general elections. 72 in academic circle is A-plus. And 83 or so is A-plus-plus. So it’s not contestable whether they have grassroot or not. If it where 53, 51, 54, you can say it’s borderline. But when it’s seventy something, eighty something, obviously I’m a grassroot. Maybe it has to do with the personality of the candidate, it will be tested in the next Senatorial election”, he said.

On his defection to the PDP without fanfare, Dr. Boladei Igali said that declarations are mere public events, stressing that one can enter a political party quietly, you can enter in a small meeting, you can enter in a big stadium.

“For personal reasons, I’m not given to loud approach to life. My approaches to life are very quiet, very technical and subdued. So after the PDP primaries in 2019, I crossed over to APC and worked closely with him, I made myself very clear. And when the almighty governorship election was declared and a day before the swearing in what happened to the young man David Lyon happened. Totally, it was unacceptable to me that Ijaw people could show oppression on fellow Ijaw people and I didn’t want to be part of what is totally false. Besides that, like I say all the time, the people of my state has showed clearly where they want to go and as a leader, I listen to what the our people are saying. You don’t lead the people and do what you like, you listen to them. So I hope that they’ll be able to contribute positively to the development of the State” he said

Dr. Igali who is also the Leader of Project Bayelsa threw his weight behind the Amassoma born Senatorial candidate of the APC Chief Abel Ebifemowei and advised him to work hard and sell himself to the people.

” Election is by convincing people, who you are and what you can do. So he has to work and convince people why they should vote for him. And for the people of Bayelsa State is for us to conduct ourselves peacefully. Election is not a war, election is a contest. Yesterday I was in my village. And then, when I go to the village at Eniwari in Southern Ijaw, children come to wrestle normally, because I like wrestling. I’m Patron of Nigerian Wrestling Federation. And I normally give to each pair five, five hundred naira and then the very small ones each pair of two, that’s four people, five hundred naira for them to share. And I could see that children in the village, about a hundred, one fifty of them happily were holding each other to wrestle. And each of them went with 500 naira. But then, the interesting part is that the whole village is there watching. And when one child about to…the thing becomes too strong, they say “stop, stop, stop”. That’s the wrestling is not intended at injuring your brother. Its not intended at creating broken bones, dislocations or anything. It’s just a sport. That’s what politics is about so let’s see politics as a game. You win today, you lose tomorrow”.

“And I’ve come to learn in life that the race is not for the swift. It’s not the strangest man that wins the war all the time. It’s not the most beautiful girl that always win a beauty contest or gets married first. It’s not the most handsome man that gets married to the most beautiful girl. It is time and chance. Time and chance gives power. Power comes from God. So take it as a game. You win today, you lose tomorrow”.

“So I want to tell people of the state: let us be orderly, let us be peaceful and conduct elections in a way that somebody can emerge. Besides, only one person will emerge. You may be the most brilliant man but that does not mean you’ll always win. You may be the most talented person does not mean you should always win. So take it as a game and move on with life. Move on, move on, don’t stay in one place. When something has happened, put it behind you and move on. So that’s what I can say to the people of Bayelsa State. Let us conduct ourselves peacefully, irrespective of our political belonging because there’s still another day to come back” he said.

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